Practical symfony 1.2 for Doctrine - second edition Review

Practical symfony 1.2 for Doctrine - second edition
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Practical symfony 1.2 for Doctrine - second edition ReviewIf you're just starting out with symfony and doctrine, or are just wanting a refresher this is the main guide to get. It is the print version of the Jobeet tutorial that is available over at the symfony website [...], with a few added bells and whistles like an index.
Practical symfony contains enough information for a beginner to start their first project and work up to some of the more advanced features without getting so detailed as to overwhelm the reader.
If you are unsure whether to use symfony for your next project, I'd recommend to check out the online version before purchasing. However, if you've jumped in head first, grab your copy and help support the symfony framework - I'm sure you'll find it useful!
Practical symfony 1.2 for Doctrine - second edition OverviewThe practical symfony book shows you all it takes to build up a complete and effective application from scratch. Definitely the best way to learn symfony. This book is based on the Jobeet tutorial.

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Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers Review

Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers
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Are you looking to buy Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers. Check out the link below:

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Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers ReviewI've been buying from Amazon for years and have purchased dozens of books and not once have I felt as compelled to write a review as I do for this book.
The book starts in Chapter 1, as many others do, by reviewing what will be presented in each chapter of the book. Ironically, the title of that section is called "How This Book Is Organized". It then has each chapter in a bulleted list with the chapter number and brief description. So I'm reading and as I get to Chapter 4 there is no description, just whitespace and then the next line continues with Chapter 5. A little weird but okay, I'm not that picky, I really just care about the real content of the book. But further investigation of the Table of Contents reveals the description for Chapter 5 in the bulleted list is actually Chapter 4, Chapter 6 is listed for Chapter 5, Chapter 3 is actually for Chapter 6, and Chapter 3's description is the one actually missing. Big deal right? Sure, not really a big deal but in fact it foreshadows the rest of the book.
I thought maybe the author in wanting to really make sure the code examples and instructions in the book were absolutely correct that he missed the minor errors in Chapter 1. Wishful thinking. The book is rife with errors and although the author does a great job and goes in great detail at the beginning of a tutorial, by the end of the tutorial crucial steps have been omitted resulting in all work done in vain and the reader is left scratching his head. Chapter 5, "Creating A Flash Video Text Banner" is a great example of this. It starts off great and then completely falls apart at the end and you're left with absolutely nothing that's useable.
What you should also know is that the author states in Chapter 1, that Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 is required for one of the tutorials and Adobe After Effects Professional is required for the tutorials in Chapter 5 (when really he means Chapter 7). So unless you download the free trials of those programs, one whole chapter of the book is useless to you.
I had to put this book down and stop using it. $40 down the drain. If the author can't even get the simple things correct, how can the instructions and code examples be accurate and as I found out were painfully wrong. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.
Oh yeah, the two 5 star reviews of the book just happen to be from S.F., right next door to where the author lives. Take that for what it's worth.
Producing Flash CS3 Video: Techniques for Video Pros and Web Designers Overview* Best practices for production, encoding, and integration* Build custom video players for web and mobile use* Apply transparency and effects with After EffectsDesign and develop video applications with Flash Professional CS3. In quick primer chapters, you'll get the best practices for shooting video for Flash distribution and the basics of how to design Flash applications for compelling user experiences. Subsequent chapters demonstrate the integrated use of Flash Professional with Dreamweaver, Device Central, and After Effects in practical tutorials. Annotated ActionScript 3 code gives you the facility to build your video applications.In 27 progressive tutorials, you'll acquire practical experience in the cutting edge techniques for:* Encoding single files, batch files, and embedding cue points in video.* Customizing FLVPlayback components* Building Flash Video players from scratch to include cue points, full screen events, and current playback time* Applying transparency, masks, and effects to enhance Flash Video.* Looping Flash Video continuously or in creative combinations* Embedding Flash Video in HTML pages for web deployment* Integrating Flash Video with XML, closed caption text, and JavaScript* Preparing video for streaming servers and mobile devices including a Flash Lite application with device videoThe companion DVD-ROM contains project media for all 27 tutorials that teach the nuts and bolts of implementing video in Flash applications on web pages and on alternative devices.* Google video, YouTube and others are fueling a boom in video over the Web.* Author is a qualified video pro and Flash developer that can speak to both Flash content designers and video professionals.* Tutorial projects put the theory into practice with media provided on the companion DVD.

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Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress) Review

Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress)
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Are you looking to buy Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress)? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress). Check out the link below:

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Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress) ReviewThe authors do an excellent job of illustrating the "Comet" process here: Keeping an HTTP request open so that the client can continue to receive content from the server continuously, rather than having to repeatedly query the server for Ajax content. They describe the advantages and potential pitfalls in a good amount of depth without becoming overly detailed for programmers working with a Java framework like Grails. They talk especially about DWR, a fine framework that takes care of the details of Comet and can be easily used in conjunction with other web frameworks.
But before you invest in this book, you should be aware of two things: It's very short (like all of the Firstpress books) and only talks about DWR 2.0, while the cutting edge is DWR 3.0. Also, you should think about whether you really need Comet in order to do what you're doing; for most purposes, ordinary Ajax is fine. If you're trying to learn Comet in depth, the DWR documentation is a better resource. And if you're intent on learning Comet quickly, the eBook version of this book might be a better buy.Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0 (Firstpress) OverviewAjax has been out for some time now, without any substantial changes, improvement and the like. Well, as time seems to be near an Ajax 2.0 evolution, this firstPress deals with the emerging Comet and Reverse Ajax technologies that could arguably later define part of the next generation Ajax 2.0.Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next Generation Ajax 2.0 is the first and only book of its kind covering Comet and Reverse Ajax in this detail.Written by Ajax expert and best selling author, Dave Crane, this book is a practical, hands-on resource for developers who want to preview and even use some of what will likely be in the next hot Ajax 2.0 release.

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Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel Review

Practical symfony 1.3 and 1.4 for Propel
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Are you looking to buy Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel. Check out the link below:

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Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel ReviewEste libreo es la mejor manera de aprender symfony. Es una guía desde la instalacion de la libreria hasta finalizar una aplicación web totalmente funcional (Jobeet) con todo los modulos CRUD necesarios, aplicando un poco de AJAX, opciones de busqueda, etc. Totalmente recomendado.
This book is the best way to learn symfony. It's guide from installing the symfony library to finsih a full functional web application (Jobeet) with all the necessary CRUD modules, applying a little bit of AJAX, search features, etc. Totally recomended.Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel OverviewThe symfony1 framework has been an Open-Source project for more than four years and has become one of the most popular PHP frameworks thanks to its great features and great documentation.This book describes the creation of a web application with the symfony framework, step-by-step from the specifications to the implementation. It is targeted at beginners who want to learn symfony, understand how it works, and also learn about the best web development practices.The application to be designed could have been yet another blog engine. But we want to use symfony on a useful project. The goal is to demonstrate that symfony can be used to develop professional applications with style and little effort.We will keep the content of the project secret for another day as we already have much to do today. However, let's give it a name: Jobeet.Each chapter of this book is meant to last between one and two hours, and will be the occasion to learn symfony by coding a real website, from start to finish. Every day, new features will be added to the application, and we'll take advantage of this development to introduce you to new symfony functionalities as well as good practices in symfony web development.

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More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 Review

More with symfony 1.3 and 1.4
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More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 ReviewThis book is just a copy of the online docs. It is handy to have a hard copy but don't think your getting some inside knowledge because you are not.More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 OverviewAs of this writing, the symfony project has celebrated a significantmilestone: its fourth birthday. In just four years, the symfony framework hasgrown to become one of the most popular PHP frameworks in the world, poweringsites such as Delicious, Yahoo Bookmarks and Daily Motion. But, with therecent release of symfony 1.4 (November 2009), we are about to end a cycle.This book is the perfect way to finish the cycle and as such, you are about toread the last book on the symfony 1 branch that will be published by thesymfony project team. The next book will most likely center around Symfony2.0, to be released late 2010.We have already published two books on symfony 1.3 and 1.4 recently:"Practical symfony" and "The symfony reference guide". The former is a greatway to start learning symfony as you learn the basics of the framework throughthe development of a real project in a step-by-step tutorial. The latter is areference book that holds most any symfony-related configuration informationthat you may need during your day-to-day development."More with symfony" is a book about more advanced symfony topics. This is notthe first book you should read about symfony, but is one that will be helpful forpeople who have already developed several small projects with the framework.If you've ever wanted to know how symfony works under the hood or if you'd liketo extend the framework in various ways to make it work for your specificneeds, this book is for you. In this way, "More with symfony" is all abouttaking your symfony skills to the next level.As this book is a collection of tutorials about various topics, feel free toread the chapters in any order, based on what you are trying to accomplishwith the framework.This book is special because this is a book written by the community for thecommunity. Dozens of people have contributed to this book: from the authors,to the translators, to the proof-readers, a large collection of effort hasbeen put forth towards this book.This book has been published simultaneously in no less than five languages(English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese). This would not have beenpossible without the benevolent work of our translation teams.This book has been made possible thanks to the Open-Source spirit and itis released under an Open-Source license. This fact alone changes everything.It means that nobody has been paid to work on this book: all contributorsworked hard to deliver it because they were willing to do so. Each wantedto share their knowledge, give something back to the community, help spreadthe word about symfony and, of course, have some fun and become famous.This book has been written by ten authors who use symfony on a day-to-daybasis as developers or project managers. They have a deep knowledge of theframework and have tried to share their knowledge and experience in thesechapters.

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Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix Review

Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix
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Are you looking to buy Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix. Check out the link below:

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Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix ReviewI only gave this book a "1-star" rating because zero wasn't an option. Very poorly done, and impossible to follow. Certainly not worth the money, in my opinion.Learn Computing Fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix OverviewLearn computing fundamentals in Microsoft Excel, Access, Visual Studio and Webmatrix isideal for mainly anyone interested in computingand for those students studying a business/computer related course with ambitions of becoming an Administrator, Software Developer or Web Developer.The book ispacked full of knowledge,and is designed to springboard your computer studies dramatically, by teaching you 'How to' concisely and effectively.The topics covered have been selectively chosen. You will learn what can be done dynamically in these packages, from Excel and the use of data forms and macros to creating your own professional web site in Webmatrix. You will learn a greater understanding of these packages and how they can work together.The methodical way that this book explains the fundamentals in these core software packages will provide the learner with a solid platform to further explore computer sciences and achieve his or her potential.

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Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series) Review

Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series)
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Are you looking to buy Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series)? Here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series). Check out the link below:

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Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series) ReviewI'm convinced this is and will remain the authoritative book on Struts 2. I know that more are being written but I don't care. You will not find one better.
I've never worked with Struts 2 in the past yet I was able to get a pretty solid understanding of it in a very short amount of time. Granted, I've had plenty of experience with the original Struts, JSF, and other web technologies, but I think even a beginner could pick this up fairly easily.
I let a friend of mine who had used Struts 2 on a project before skim through my copy of Struts 2 Design and Programming to check for any gaping holes or errant information before writing this review. It passed his inspection. (Thanks, Eric!)
I initially was a little skeptical when I saw that this Struts 2 book includes many other topics like DAOs, Velocity, FreeMarker, Dojo, and JFreeChart. These sections actually turned out quite pleasant to read and were great introductions to those topics without taking anything away from the main topic: Struts 2.
When you start making your way into chapters 5 and 6, feel free to jump around to other chapters. Chapters 5 and 6 cover the many tags in Struts 2 and, even with the author's great explanations and examples, can become a little tiresome for a cover-to-cover kind of read (but makes for a terrific reference). I suggest coming back to these chapters every once in a while to chew off two or three of the tags at a time. I expect this tip will add to your reading enjoyment.
Overall, this is a terrific book and I highly recommend it to anyone working with or curious about Struts 2.Struts 2 Design and Programming: A Tutorial (A Tutorial series) OverviewOffering both theoretical explanations and real-world applications, this in-depth guide covers the 2.0 version of Struts, revealing how to design, build, and improve Java-based Web applications within the Struts development framework. Feature functionality is explained in detail to help programmers choose the most appropriate feature to accomplish their objectives, while other chapters are devoted to file uploading, paging, and object caching.

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