Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel Review

Practical symfony 1.3 and 1.4 for Propel
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Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel ReviewEste libreo es la mejor manera de aprender symfony. Es una guía desde la instalacion de la libreria hasta finalizar una aplicación web totalmente funcional (Jobeet) con todo los modulos CRUD necesarios, aplicando un poco de AJAX, opciones de busqueda, etc. Totalmente recomendado.
This book is the best way to learn symfony. It's guide from installing the symfony library to finsih a full functional web application (Jobeet) with all the necessary CRUD modules, applying a little bit of AJAX, search features, etc. Totally recomended.Practical symfony 1.3 & 1.4 for Propel OverviewThe symfony1 framework has been an Open-Source project for more than four years and has become one of the most popular PHP frameworks thanks to its great features and great documentation.This book describes the creation of a web application with the symfony framework, step-by-step from the specifications to the implementation. It is targeted at beginners who want to learn symfony, understand how it works, and also learn about the best web development practices.The application to be designed could have been yet another blog engine. But we want to use symfony on a useful project. The goal is to demonstrate that symfony can be used to develop professional applications with style and little effort.We will keep the content of the project secret for another day as we already have much to do today. However, let's give it a name: Jobeet.Each chapter of this book is meant to last between one and two hours, and will be the occasion to learn symfony by coding a real website, from start to finish. Every day, new features will be added to the application, and we'll take advantage of this development to introduce you to new symfony functionalities as well as good practices in symfony web development.

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